The Winter is nearly upon which can be a testing time for your roof. Therefore, Roofers Manchester thought it would be useful to outline health checks that property owners can conduct to ensure they are winter ready. Your roof should never be overlooked, a strong and well maintained roof protects your building structure and internal space from the elements
Below our roofers in Manchester discuss four important inspections you can make on your roof as the Winter approaches.
General roof survey
From ground level, preferably with binoculars check your roof for aby obvious signs of damage and wear and tear. Try to identify any loose or missing shingles and tiles. Picking up on minor issues before they become bigger will save you future time, effort and money. Our roofers in Manchester also recommended inspecting the flashing for any defects and chimney for crumbling mortar and damaged brickwork.
Roofers Manchester advise that birds on your roof can damage your roofer covering. if you have noticed an excessive amount of birds on your roof, it may be worth buying some devices to keep them at bay. Contact you local professional roofers near me to fit them.
Animals such as mice, rats, squirrels and birds are know to make their homes in internal roof spaces. Survey your loft area regularly to make sure there are no gaps for unwanted wildlife. These type of animals can wreck havoc to your roof structure.
Gutter Maintenance
Our roofers in Manchester, advise the primary function of your gutters and downpipes is to transport rainwater safely away from your property and in to the drains. During the Autumn gutters can readily become blocked with leaves, twigs and other debris. When gutters become clogged, rainwater is unable to drain correctly, leaving your gutters vulnerable to flooding. Over time this can potentially lead to significant damage to the structure and foundations of your building. In addition the weight of the pooling water can cause your gutters to sag and even fail.
Inspecting your gutters for leaks and clearing them on a regular basis, especially in the Autumn and Spring, is crucial roof maintenance. Have you local roofers in Manchester complete this for you. It is also worth trimming back any trees that have overhanging branches close to your property.
Internal roof space
Once you have finished inspecting the exterior roof, take a look at your internal roof space. Check for any damp areas that could indicate a leak, make sure your have enough roof insulation, is there any sunlight making its way in through the roof tiles and membrane. In addition, check the wooden rafters for any sign of decay and mould.
Contact Roofers Manchester for professional guidance on your roof and your free quote. For an overview of our services visit our homepage.
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